set default calendar mode of datepicker, available options: 'persian', 'gregorian'

if set true, small date hint of this calendar will be shown on another calendar

set locale of calendar available options: 'fa', 'en'

if set true, small date hint of this calendar will be shown on another calendar

if set true, small date hint of this calendar will be shown on another calendar

set locale of calendar available options: 'fa', 'en'

if true datepicker render inline

if set true make enable responsive view on mobile devices

If true picker close When select a date

if true date select just by click on day in month grid, and when user select month or year selected date doesnt change

default view mode, Acceptable value : day,month,year

position of datepicker element relative to input element, accept auto, [x,y]

Default input value formatt string.

Default input value formatt string.

set min date on datepicker, prevent user select date before given unix time

set max date on datepicker, prevent user select date after given unix time

if true datepicker update self by user inputted date string, accept 'yyyy/mm/dd' example: '1396/10/2', '1396/1/12'

waite time for last user key-down event, accept millisecond

make navigator enable or disable

if you want make disable scroll navigation set this option false

text of next button

text of previews button

make yearPicker enable or disable

YearPicker title format string

make monthPicker enable or disable

MonthPicker title format string

make datePicker enable or disable

DayPicker title format string


if true all pickers hide and just show timepicker

make timePicker enable or disable

Hour section step

minute section step

second section step

if you set this as false, datepicker timepicker system moved to 24-hour system

Time section step

boolean option that make toolbar enable or disable

toolbox today button enable or disable

show when current calendar is Persian

show when current calendar is Gregorian

toolbox submit button enable or disable

show when current calendar is Persian

show when current calendar is Gregorian

make calendar switch enable or disable

calendar switch text format string

to make output config flyweight, template editor is disabled by default.